Thursday, September 20, 2012

One Week Old

Sleep. Eat. Poop.

We have made it through the first week! It has been amazing with two beautiful, happy and healthy babies as well as exhausting. No surprise, but one is never fully prepared for the sleep exhaustion. Both Will and Finn seem to be sleeping great during the day and on a schedule then have an entirely different schedule when we go to bed.

Below are some pictures. First was in the hospital when Will and Finn were two days old. The second was from when we were taking pictures for the birth announcement. We were snapping pics quickly and somehow this one came out looking like Finn popping Will with a right hook....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to the World Will & Finn

William Henry "Will" Kendrick and James Finnegan "Finn" Kendrick were born at 11:04 and 11:05 AM respectively. Will is 5 pounds 1 ounce and "younger" brother Finn is 6 pounds 1 ounce. Leslie was and continues to be amazing and my hero. All are currently resting comfortably.


